jeudi 26 novembre 2015

NaNoWriMo – the experience

NaNoWriMo – the experience, finally told by me. + writing tips for next year !

Hi everybody, Mary here !

So, if you've been wondering why I haven't posted a lot here in November, it's actually because of NaNoWriMo – and because of a story I wanted to let out as I took this challenge whole-heartedly.

So... yeah. The Girl From Outer Space. A story I had created back in 2012. At the time, I didn't really believe in it, I thought this was the typical cliché story EVER – and let's be honest, I was 16, I was at the bottom of my depression, and I didn't have the motivation to write it.

So, it sat at the corner of an old USB key on which I put all my works from 2008 to 2013-2014 (roughly). I didn't touch it, actually, I rarely do, except when I have to find an old file to look into. I let this story among all the others (who are quite crappy and definitely all look like some fanfics for The X-Files *shrugs*) which would be never written, which would never see the light of day.

And yet.

Back in September (or in October ? it's hard to say, because when you're busy and still depressed, you have a messed-up conception of time), I was looking through this old USB key, as a sort-of relief, to laugh a little at what stupidities I had written back then.

And then I found it.

The story had remained intact since 2012 : no changes, no variations, nothing, except a little bit of potential that I ended up seeing. But... the story was, in my opinion, still cliché as fuck. I then decided to do one change, but that was the change that made the whole story interesting.

I turned this boring, cliché and overused hetero story and made it into a lesbian one.

And it was the best decision I made, because now, twenty-five days and 72,637 words later, it is here ! You can read the whole thing here :

I can't believe I made it. I mean, it took way too much time and it was basically taking up all my free time. I was stressing about NaNoWriMo everyday, and questions along the lines of « When are you going to write today's chapter ? Are you going to make it without ending up bashing away your words at two in the morning ? Are you going to keep your pace studying when you spend all your free time writing instead of revising ? »

Well, let's say that I'm extremely glad that it's over now. I'm tired, I can barely write anymore, I think I need some rest by now.

So... here are now a few facts I've learnt about NaNoWriMo you may want to use if you're participating next year !
  1. NaNoWriMo is only about writing. It doesn't matter if you don't have the best words or the best sentence or the best plot. It's just about bashing away 50k in front of your computer, really.
  2. A big outline is always better than going with nothing, unless you actually have the time to make the story as it goes. For me, there are two types of people : the pantsies who do everything as they go and the planners who follow their outline. As I didn't really have the time to fo it anyways, I prefered to go with a clear, defined outline, so I knew where I was going. However, that didn't prevent me from changing it it multiple times.
  3. If you don't have a proper plot, don't worry ! As I said, NaNoWriMo is only about writing. I finished my work and already posted it, but you can keep it for yourself and use the What Now ? sessions organised in January/February to correct your novel.
  4. NaNoWriMo, really, is just a catalyser for creativity, inspiration and writing. It's a call to make yourself actually do something you wouldn't do usually. It's a very long, very exhausting rush, but in the end, you'll see that it's so worth it.

Okay, that's it for today ! The four truthes have been spoken !

Anyways, I really hope you liked this post and I'll see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

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