Doctor Who, S9 Ep7
Hi everybody, Mary here.
So, today's review will be about the seventh episode in the ninth series of Doctor Who. ! Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?
The Zygon Invasion
So, here are the three words I've chosen for this episode :
- War : Remember the 50th anniversary special episode ? Well, it's time to pick down your almighty knowledge again, since we have to remember the Zygon Treaty that had been signed at the time between the Zygons and the humans ! Yay ! But now, the treaty has been broken, as a group of rebel Zygons have decided to wreck havoc in the place and conquer the entire planet ! Now that UNIT has been taken down, who is going to be there ? Will the Doctor survive ? (This is not the question, he will survive. The question is how will he survive ? We'll see next time...)
- Zygons upgrading : And now that Zygons have been "upgraded" *Cyberman chanting in the distance*, not only they don't need the person to be alive to keep their form but also they can use mental powers to transform into family members and loved ones to trap people ! And they kill people this way, by tricking them ! Seriously, if I had been in their shoes, I'd have shot anyways. Call me heartless, call me soulless, call me inhumane, but I would have done it without a second of hesitation. And now, also, it will be harder to check who's Zygon and who's human since they are among the population themselves ! Also let's remember that the huge majority of Zygons live peacefully with no harm or damage and it will be harder to see who's a rebel or not !
- Clara is in danger (yet again) : And here we have the "badass woman" as depicted by so many fans once again put in danger and almost dead (we'll see if she's actually dead next week), I just realised something ! After Clara being a Dalek, we have Clara being a Zygon ! Seriously, this woman amazes me with how aliens just use her for their plans. But, you know, the Doctor *obviously* forgot that Zygons, in the first place, are shape-shifters ! How no, what a pity ! Clara is not immune because she's your companion, Doctor. Will you be able to save her ? We'll see...
Overall impression : The humans in the little pods look like the movie Aliens and I was grossed out, seriously it's SO disgusting I want to vomit just THINKING about it. Gret episode once again... I guess ? But disgusting Zygon fortress right there (also the stormy clouds dead humans leave behind once they are killed by a Zygon). Very gross episode, but good.
Okay, that's it for today ! I hope you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with another one !
And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !
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