dimanche 29 novembre 2015

Doctor Who S9 Ep11

Doctor Who, S9 Ep11

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the eleventh episode in the ninth series of Doctor Who ! Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

Heaven Sent

So, here are the three words I've picked for this episode :

- One-man show : In this episode, the Doctor seems to be trapped in a place where a creature named The Veil seems to be after him all the time. The Doctor is trying to solve this mystery on his own, while going into his "mind palace" where Clara still exists. But there's a little difference now : in the previous episodes, the Doctor could trust Clara, she was the one who asked him the right questions, who pointed the right things, when he was just panicking and freaking out. But now, he's alone, and he's scared because there's no one to talk to. There's just him, and no one else to help him, no one to be the Doctor for him.

- Grief : Also in this episode, the Doctor is grieving the loss of Clara, his Clara, the person who kept him in the right direction, on the right track. And now, he's just trying to seek revenge (even if he has been told not to do so, but we all know the Doctor, he listens more to his feelings than his logic). Obviously, he's angry, he's revengeful, and he wants to know who did this to her. When he sees Clara's portrait in the bedroom, he's just a little mess for a while. He lost his anchor and he doesn't know what to do on his own now.

- The confession dial : In the end of the episode, the Doctor realises that he hasn't traveled in time, and yet, he can feel he's in the future (the first time we see him, he's already seven thousand years into the future). What he doesn't know, is that he's in his own confession dial, and he's trying to mine into a very hard type of diamond to get out, and every time, he's caught by the Veil, and he has to do everything again, right from the beginning, with no memories of what happened before, and he ends up spending two billion years trying to escape from the confession dial, which is what he ends up doing, thanks to the world bird he had written (when was the first time he did this ? Bootstrap paradox once again ? I mean, it's the Doctor's confession dial, maybe it wanted to give the Doctor a little bit of help at the beginning). And in the end, the Veil was just a ghost asking for confessions (confession dial, get it ?).

Overall impression : Amazing episode, my favourite in the ninth series (we'll see the sequel soon, but it's really great). And now, the Doctor is back on Gallifrey... what is he going to do ??? We'll see that next week !

Okay, that's it for today, I really hope you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

samedi 28 novembre 2015

Fargo, S2 Ep7

Fargo, S2 Ep7

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, sorry for the delay on Fargo ! But I really wanted to finish The Girl From Outer Space and also write the two posts I posted the other day !

Now I've ended it all, I can go back to a "normal" schedule ! So here's the review for the seventh episode in the second season of Fargo ! Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

Did You Do This ? No, You Did It !

So, here are the three words I've chosen for this episode !

- Massacre : So, there's war everywhere, bodies everywhere, it's war, there are funerals and vendettas and shit. Well, I guess we only understand now how Solverson in season 1 (in the future compared to this one) said it was a mess. It is indeed, a pure mess, and the police don't even know how they are going to solve this. Well, it sounds like hard times in Luverne, Minnesota... because they have to stop this way between the Kansas fellas and those from Luverne.

- Compromise : Between the family and the police, there's a compromise that has been signed and the family just has to tell the police where the Kansas fellas are so they can be arrested and then everything will go back to normal and peace will be established all around the place. The police thinks that if they are working for the locals, they'll be able to catch the Kansas lads faster to solve the problem. But the thing is, both sides are armed and none will seem to give up on their positions.

- The girl who died : Seriously, what did that girl expect by betraying her whole family just because she wants her father dead ? Anyways, the sentence was a little bit too harsh, but why did she want her father dead in the first place ? I mean, I know her family is quite sexist and disrepects women in general, but let's be honest, it's war. I wouldn't have killed her but I would have made her understand the very dramatic consequences of her actions on her family and all the people who died because she gave crucial information to the enemy.

Overall impression : A great episode filled with suspense, YES MISSIS SOLVERSON YOU NEED TO BE LOOKED AFTER WITH YOUR DAUGHTER, and that's pretty much it.

Okay, that's it for today ! I really hope you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with a new one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

jeudi 26 novembre 2015

How to be efficient when writing

How to be efficient when writing : music recommendations, how to organise your drafts, your workplace, your schedule & so much more

Hi everybody, Mary here !

So, as NaNoWriMo has ended for me, I've decided to give you some plans for your writing, to increase your productivity, give yourself some motivation, and have, in the end, the best work possible !

So let's get started, shall we ?

Outlines & Drafts
  • Some people write and plan as they go, I prefer to have a little outline. You know, nothing too tight, just a few guidelines to know where I am in the story to avoid incoherences & repetitions. But it's all up to you.
  • I prefer to go right away in terms of drafts, but it's always better to have a little draft before writing the final version.
  • Always keep ideas for your current work and save as often as possible. During NaNoWriMo, I accidently forgot to save my work as I had finished a chapter and I had to rewrite 3k of my work. Be careful.
  • Keep any ideas floating in your minds before they go away. They might solve a future problem with your work.

Workplace :
  • Don't trust me I write in bed
  • Seriously just have a neat place free of distraction (the Internet, your TV, video-games, family, friends, social life, the Internet) and it'll be alright
  • A computer is largely enough to do so, even in bed. And you can even write faster than your handwriting (at the very least for me !!!), so... win-win ???
  • But seriously, turn off the Internet. It's the biggest distractor ever. And trust me, it was really hard not to go on social media when I was doing NaNoWriMo, but believe me, you're just procrastinating, you're not doing actual work.

Schedule :
  • Unlike other jobs, being a writer/author (can I consider myself an author now I've finished a short story + a novel and « published » them online ?) is all about your motivation at the moment. Some people prefer to write early in the morning, others during the day, and finally, some prefer to write late in the evening/night (I'm in the last category because I kept putting off everyday, but really, since it's calmer at night, I prefer to write then).
  • Just follow your natural schedule and don't feel pressured by anything. Being under stress actually increases the stress and can even induce a writer's block where there wasn't one before.
  • Don't worry about your fear of the blank page and just blabble some words. You'll see, it'll pass away after a while. Maybe you'll end up hrowing away what you've written to re-write it, but it will be really worth it when you finish your work.

Music recommendations :
  • The biggest question of the universe : should I write with or without music ?
  • My answer : if you prefer to write in silence, feel free to do so ! Most of the time, I didn't like having music in my ears since they would distract me from my work.
  • BUT ! If you need some music, you should try to avoid songs with lyrics, since the words will distract you from your work (especially if you adore them, because you'll eventually stop working to sing the lyrics, just like me). Instrumentals are awesome to boost your motivation. You just need to find some that are going with the mood of your writing and it'll be perfect !

Links to OSTs YouTube channels where you can listen to awseome music :

Awesome modern composers :
  • Fabrizio Paterlini : my favourites are Far Away From Here, Soffia La Notte, Still Travelling, Veloma, and My Piano, The World
  • Ludovico Einaudi : my favourites are Divenire, Experience, Fly, I Giorni, and Una Mattina.

Other things :
  • Don't worry about your writing. You may feel like the worst but it's because : 1) You are the one who wrote it, 2) You read it over a trillion times so you know what's going on by now. It's just like revising an old lesson so many times that the words are going out of your orbits like some weird vomit, 3) share share share, don't keep things to yourself, get some support, it's very important when you're a writer.
  • You will be okay.
  • You will be okay.
  • You will be okay.

Okay, that's it for today ! I really hope you liked this post and I'll see you soon with a new one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

NaNoWriMo – the experience

NaNoWriMo – the experience, finally told by me. + writing tips for next year !

Hi everybody, Mary here !

So, if you've been wondering why I haven't posted a lot here in November, it's actually because of NaNoWriMo – and because of a story I wanted to let out as I took this challenge whole-heartedly.

So... yeah. The Girl From Outer Space. A story I had created back in 2012. At the time, I didn't really believe in it, I thought this was the typical cliché story EVER – and let's be honest, I was 16, I was at the bottom of my depression, and I didn't have the motivation to write it.

So, it sat at the corner of an old USB key on which I put all my works from 2008 to 2013-2014 (roughly). I didn't touch it, actually, I rarely do, except when I have to find an old file to look into. I let this story among all the others (who are quite crappy and definitely all look like some fanfics for The X-Files *shrugs*) which would be never written, which would never see the light of day.

And yet.

Back in September (or in October ? it's hard to say, because when you're busy and still depressed, you have a messed-up conception of time), I was looking through this old USB key, as a sort-of relief, to laugh a little at what stupidities I had written back then.

And then I found it.

The story had remained intact since 2012 : no changes, no variations, nothing, except a little bit of potential that I ended up seeing. But... the story was, in my opinion, still cliché as fuck. I then decided to do one change, but that was the change that made the whole story interesting.

I turned this boring, cliché and overused hetero story and made it into a lesbian one.

And it was the best decision I made, because now, twenty-five days and 72,637 words later, it is here ! You can read the whole thing here : http://theuncannystories.tumblr.com/post/134002213796/the-girl-from-outer-space-masterpost

I can't believe I made it. I mean, it took way too much time and it was basically taking up all my free time. I was stressing about NaNoWriMo everyday, and questions along the lines of « When are you going to write today's chapter ? Are you going to make it without ending up bashing away your words at two in the morning ? Are you going to keep your pace studying when you spend all your free time writing instead of revising ? »

Well, let's say that I'm extremely glad that it's over now. I'm tired, I can barely write anymore, I think I need some rest by now.

So... here are now a few facts I've learnt about NaNoWriMo you may want to use if you're participating next year !
  1. NaNoWriMo is only about writing. It doesn't matter if you don't have the best words or the best sentence or the best plot. It's just about bashing away 50k in front of your computer, really.
  2. A big outline is always better than going with nothing, unless you actually have the time to make the story as it goes. For me, there are two types of people : the pantsies who do everything as they go and the planners who follow their outline. As I didn't really have the time to fo it anyways, I prefered to go with a clear, defined outline, so I knew where I was going. However, that didn't prevent me from changing it it multiple times.
  3. If you don't have a proper plot, don't worry ! As I said, NaNoWriMo is only about writing. I finished my work and already posted it, but you can keep it for yourself and use the What Now ? sessions organised in January/February to correct your novel.
  4. NaNoWriMo, really, is just a catalyser for creativity, inspiration and writing. It's a call to make yourself actually do something you wouldn't do usually. It's a very long, very exhausting rush, but in the end, you'll see that it's so worth it.

Okay, that's it for today ! The four truthes have been spoken !

Anyways, I really hope you liked this post and I'll see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

dimanche 22 novembre 2015

Doctor Who, S9 Ep10

Doctor Who, S9 Ep10

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review of the tenth episode in the ninth series of Doctor Who ! Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

Face The Raven

So, here are the three words I've chosen to describe this episode :

- Ashildr and her deal : So, in this episode, there's a guy who has a tattoo that gives a countdown before he'll be killed, by a raven, And apparently, she has tricked the Doctor into coming so she can teleport him to some people who want him. Anyways, it's very heart-breaking to see such an innocent person as her, in the past, just killing people because they took medecines to save their loved ones... anyways, her principles have changed a lot since she was just a child. I thought she had repented herself in The Woman Who Lived, but apparently, she already forgot that. Unlimited life, limited memory, that's the curse of Ashildr.

- Clara's death : So, Clara has decided to sacrifice herself in order to save the guy, Rigsey, when in the end, if she hadn't taken the mark from him, Ashildr would have taken the mark herself anyways in exchange for the Doctor's teleportation to the place where we'll see him in the next episode. Well, I wasn't expecting for that ending, so I'll pretend that it didn't include Clara stoking the Doctor's cheek and all those sappy moments, and the speech. *cries in a pool of tears and pretends the hatred I had against Clara has faded away, I never hated her, just the fact that they used the exact same plot on her all the time*

- Being reckless was Clara's fate : so, as we've seen recently, Clara has been a little bit reckless, and now she has to pay the price for all the danger she's been put through all over this series. Just like Rigsey telling the Doctor, "she's enjoyed that way too much", as she almost died by falling off the TARDIS. Just like every other episode, she thought there would be a way to make it up, somehow. But there isn't, now, and now she has to be brave and accept the consequences of her actions... And maybe, as she said herself, it was her fate.

Overall impression : EVERYTHING HURTS SO BAD URGH ALSO Jane Austen and Clara used to prank each other I want to read LOADS of fanfics about this RIGHT NOW to avoid the feels.

Okay, that's it for today ! I really hope you enjoyed this post and I will see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

mardi 17 novembre 2015

Fargo, S2 Ep6

Fargo, S2 Ep6

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the sixth episode in the second season of Fargo ! Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?


So, here are the three words I've chosen for this episode :

- Mass murders : So, in this episode, we can see that the Dallas club and the family (that I know the name of but I don't know how to spell it anyways) are massively shooting each other's troops, like it's some kind of wat (as previously said in the former episodes in this season). Even the couple is involved, the police are involced, everyone is just in the middle of some kind of thitty situation, and if oyou've watched the first season which is in the future compared to this one, you'll probably remember how Solverson said that it was just "plain terrible" ? Well, he was right, this is like a fury here, a battlefield, involving the entire town of Luverne, Minnesota.

- Arrangements : So, the kid has been caught by the police, the family wants him back, and also, they want the butcher dead. Not only the wife showed extreme courage and determination by reminding the police officers that women are equal to men and can have the same rights (the grandma in the family with the complicated name is a very strong woman too, and the woman who happens to be a traitress to her own family and who picks who lives and who dies and does her own game in his little war says that she doesn't want to be called a whore because she has full right to her body, even if she wants to have a lot of sex), and have the same aspirations and dreams as men, AND also kicking some ass, especially the misogystic douchebag who learnt his lesson in this episode. But the lawyer managed to convince them to leave the place and the kid face justice, since he's a minor, he will have less than if the family made him leave. WHILE BEING DRUNK. Hats off to you, sir. *bows down gently and shows off hat*

- The couple : now, the couple is on the run. Under the police's pressure, the woman confessed her crimes, the man was evacuated from the polive office to be saved from the mob and wants to see his wife, the police are going to find them and make them leave the town until the situation is cleared, before they'll have to face the consequences of killing the family's youngest son, in court. In the meantime, they are the ones who caused the war between the North Dakota clan and the Kansas City clan, so things will be VERY hard to fall back into place.

Overall impression : Great episode, really enjoyed it, and I can't wait to see more ! Now that the police knows the truth, how will they react ? Can peace be settled at Luverne, and how ? We'll see in the next episodes...

Okay, that's it for today, I really hope you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last world : KIDNEYS !

dimanche 15 novembre 2015

Doctor Who, S9 Ep9

Doctor Who, S9 Ep9

Hi everybody, Mary here !

So, here's the review for the ninth episode in the ninth series of Doctor Who ! Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

Sleep No More

So, here are the three words I've chosen for this episode :

- Sleep : In this episode, there's a machine, or a device, that allows people to only sleep only five minutes instead of a whole night. People are so willing to make profit that they turn humans in sort of drones working all day and even night to have an increased productivity and smash the concurrents. And I believe that people could be doing that, in the far future, if humans forget their feelings and humanity. Their basic essence. I'd be against it, but maybe, some people would only see it as a benefit to increase production and sales. But, we'll all be dead before such a technology exists, so you can sleep safe and sound on your two ears.

- Sandman : I would have never come up with such an idea ! The dust on the corner of your eyes when you wake up as a tribute against the monsters that are now wanting to eat you whole if you don't sleep. And the dust being the cameras filming and recording whatever people were doing, while at the same time being blind... man this is a great concept. But now, they have to flee and leave the station before they are killed... but even after they leave, are they safe ? Will the dust follow them wherever they are now ? We'll see in the next episode...

- Oh my God Clara is in danger again : Like I said, an overused process that put Clara in danger, she used the pod and the Doctor pleaded for her to be saved again, like what ? I'm a little bit tired of the same thing happening at every single episode. And then, in the next episode, you'll have Clara almost dying because the dust is consuming her soul or something like that. Or maybe, like Christmas, she'll end up sleeping or in the coma and the Doctor will have to save her once again ? Or maybe they've been sleeping all along like in the latest Christmas special. Seriously, if one of these things happens, the Doctor Who writers, directors and producers all owe me one million pounds each.

Overall impression : Great concept, I'm just a little bit tired of having to save Clara for the umpteenth time in a row. Like, have a different scenario, please, just change the routine for a while.

Okay, that's it for today ! I really hope you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

mardi 10 novembre 2015

Fargo, S2 Ep5

Fargo, S2 Ep5

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the fifth episode in the second season of Fargo ! Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

The Gift Of The Magi

So, here are the three words I've chosen for this episode :

- Massive murder spree : So, in this episode, there's a lot of blood, first of all there's the family who sends some men to kill some other men in the Kansas City clan, and they all have a fight in the woods and sh*t, so it's kinda messy. Anyways, the war has now officially started, and since they know their son is dead and they kinda want a revenge on the people who killed him. So, now, the husband and the wife have to run away if they want to survive and not be killed by the family, or be arrested by the police for the murder...

-The family revenge : First of all, thanks to that grandma who shows how badass she is even when her masochist son disrespect the only other woman in the family. This man, the son who doesn't want to obey his own mother "just because she's a woman", and calls his own brother a pussy because he actually respects the new hierarchy who put the grandma in position, is disgusting and should be killed as soon as possible. Anyways, we'll see in the next episode what's going to happen...

- Shattered dreams : Last but not least, we have seen in this episode that the wife has sold her car in order for her husband to be able to buy the shop, after she wanted to leave because of the cops being after them, and now, the husband is the one who wants to leave, because the shop burnt down and he killed another guy before running away, which is a crime on itself... smh they are really digging their own grave at the moment, and they should run away. As Solverson told them during the last episode, they're dead. They just have to try surviving as long as possible before dying in a horrible manner, just the Fargo usual style...

Overall impression : Pretty damn good episode, can't wait to see the next one ! This one leaves us with such suspense that I'll think about it all week, probably...

Okay, that's it for today ! I really hoped you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with a new one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

dimanche 8 novembre 2015

Doctor Who, S9 Ep8

Doctor Who, S9 Ep8

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the eigth episode in the ninth series of Doctor Who ! Without ay further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

The Zygon Inversion

So, here are the three words I've picked for this episode :

- The Zygon rebellion : So, as said in the previous episode, the rebels are just a limited number across the Zygons. Most of them want to live peacefully among the humans and not make a single noise. But Bonnie and her friends are saying otherwise. And in the end, when the bow is revealed to be nothing but buttons, Kate Stewart and the Zygon guards have their memories wiped out, and Bonnes becomes the second Osgood and has the memories of the truth, like the Doctor and Clara, since she's so important to the Doctor.

- Clara's still a badass : So, in this episode, we've seen Clara controlling Bonnie since they are linked, even their hearts, so they can't lie to each other without the other one noticing her heart going faster, and so on. She manages to send a text to the Doctor, who's only there for her, and Clara's practically the only person the Doctor would save if he could save only one person. And in the end, Bonnie  needs Clara as a pressure towards the Doctor, so she's liberated from the cocoon to be used as a bait. But as usual, Clara is saved and goes happily in the TARDIS with the Doctor. If you want my opinion, I'm tired of this little "Clara is in danger, the Doctor worries about her, he thinks he's dead but he finds a way to find her back, and he only cares about her and he finds her back so they're reunited and happy forever" scheme that has been going on in the first parter (episodes 1 and 2) and the second parter (episodes 3 and 4).

- Osgood : But who's human and who's Zygon in the Osgood duo ? And if the previous Osgood survovor who lost her sister is Zygon and the human had died, and then was joined by Clara-Bonnie, doesn't that make two Zygons in charge of a Zygon-Humans treaty ? We will never know. But in my opinion, the message that was shown by the two Osgoods in the end, is that it doesn't matter if we have humans or Zygons in charge of the Osgood boxes. The message is, Zygons and humans are living on the same planet, they need to leanr how to co-exist in peace and harmony, since to have peace, they need to accept the other species as much as their own, and stop segregating. And I think that it's a very powerful message that should be seen more often on television.

Overall impression : I hated the scheme of the Doctor being worried only for Clara. The Osgoods had a better role and a better impact on the story to be honest. Great episode nonetheless.

Okay, that's it for today ! I really hope you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

jeudi 5 novembre 2015

Fargo, S2 Ep4

Fargo, S2 Ep4

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, sorry for the delay ! I was busy all week because of my studies and NaNoWriMo, which I'm doing this year. Anyways, without any further ado, let's get into the review for the fourth episode in the second season of Fargo !

Fear And Trembling

So, here are the three words I've picked for this episode :

- War : So, the family has offered a counter-offer to the Kansas mafia who wants to buy their business going all around North Dakota, and the mafia men said no. Also, there was a fight between one of the sons, his own son, and some Kansas men, in a bar. And isn't a really recent practice in the family, since a couple of decades ago, it had already happened. Anyways, the grand-mother (who's the wife's owner, to be precise), declares war on the Kansas men and is willing to win the war, no matter the cost that will happen to them. Last but not least, the grand-father got the men taking care of him killed as a "warning" from the Kansas men. Anyways, it's war between the Kansas men and the North Dakota family.

- Family issues : Also in this episode, we can see the wife and the husband who accidentally killed one of the grandsons in the family having money issues. The husband wants the money to buy the butchery he's working in because he only has three days before it's being sold to another man who has the money, but the wife wants the money because of a seminar she wants to participate in, which will happen in Sioux Falls, and she wants to improve her skills by learning in this seminar, so the wife decides to take the money from the husband, and his cheque rebounced because if that, hecause he doesn't have the money anymore to pay. One of the wife's co-worker ends up telling her that she was right to do this, that no man should tell her what to do in her life, and that she should increase her potential, which is something she has already told her husband but he didn't listen very well, apparently. Basically, it's the woman who wants to be independant and work on her own and improve herself vs the husband who wants to keep the money to himself for his own gain and not allow his wife to go. We'll see how the things go...

- The look : Last but not least, there's this guy (a Native American) who's doing his little investigation and finds out a piece of the car next to the bar where the accident actually happened and the guy was hit by the car there, and he goes to the garage and threatens the owners before leavig because knife vs gun = you won't win kiddo. and the police is also after the couple now and Solverson talks about "the look" when you think you're not dead and you'll get out of it but everyone else knows that you're dead and you won't make it anyways. He tried to fix things by asking the couple to tell him the truth but they didn't want to say that and kept lying so now the family (the very rich family with the business and loads of guns) are probably going to come anyways to have their revenge on the dead grandchild.

Overall impression : Great episode, I'll end with a little theory : Solverson's wife has been given the true pill and will start to fell better before being killed which would be the tragedy for Solverson himself. They think they've gotten the fake pill but it would actually be more tragic if Solverson thought his wife was getting better and was healing from cancer before she gets suddenly killed which would make things SO ANGSTY.

Okay, that's it for today ! I really hope you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with a new one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

dimanche 1 novembre 2015

Doctor Who, S9 Ep7

Doctor Who, S9 Ep7

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, today's review will be about the seventh episode in the ninth series of Doctor Who. ! Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

The Zygon Invasion

So, here are the three words I've chosen for this episode :

- War : Remember the 50th anniversary special episode ? Well, it's time to pick down your almighty knowledge again, since we have to remember the Zygon Treaty that had been signed at the time between the Zygons and the humans ! Yay ! But now, the treaty has been broken, as a group of rebel Zygons have decided to wreck havoc in the place and conquer the entire planet ! Now that UNIT has been taken down, who is going to be there ? Will the Doctor survive ? (This is not the question, he will survive. The question is how will he survive ? We'll see next time...)

- Zygons upgrading : And now that Zygons have been "upgraded" *Cyberman chanting in the distance*, not only they don't need the person to be alive to keep their form but also they can use mental powers to transform into family members and loved ones to trap people ! And they kill people this way, by tricking them ! Seriously, if I had been in their shoes, I'd have shot anyways. Call me heartless, call me soulless, call me inhumane, but I would have done it without a second of hesitation. And now, also, it will be harder to check who's Zygon and who's human since they are among the population themselves ! Also let's remember that the huge majority of Zygons live peacefully with no harm or damage and it will be harder to see who's a rebel or not !

- Clara is in danger (yet again) : And here we have the "badass woman" as depicted by so many fans once again put in danger and almost dead (we'll see if she's actually dead next week), I just realised something ! After Clara being a Dalek, we have Clara being a Zygon ! Seriously, this woman amazes me with how aliens just use her for their plans. But, you know, the Doctor *obviously* forgot that Zygons, in the first place, are shape-shifters ! How no, what a pity ! Clara is not immune because she's your companion, Doctor. Will you be able to save her ? We'll see...

Overall impression : The humans in the little pods look like the movie Aliens and I was grossed out, seriously it's SO disgusting I want to vomit just THINKING about it. Gret episode once again... I guess ? But disgusting Zygon fortress right there (also the stormy clouds dead humans leave behind once they are killed by a Zygon). Very gross episode, but good.

Okay, that's it for today ! I hope you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !