dimanche 27 septembre 2015

Doctor Who, S9 Ep2

Doctor Who, S9 Ep2

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, here's the review for the second episode in the nintth series of Doctor Who ! Without further ado, let's get started, shall we ?

The Witch's Familiar

So, here are the three words I've picked for this episode :

- Davros : SERIOUSLY what a good acting you're doing there, sir. But the Doctor is more intelligent than you. Anyways, the return of the archenemy (that doesn't seem to be true for Missy since she believes she's the archenemy) is promptly finished by the Doctor killing every Dalek on Skaro (for now, since they have to come back every series). And in the end, everybody leaves (except for Missy, but she has her own way of doing things) and everything goes back to normal.

- Clara inside a Dalek : Anyways, that scene was SO intense I just wanted to kill Missy for ten trillion hours. WHY THE F*CK IS SHE DOING THAT ??? I was like, yeah, I can ship this... I guess it's because she wanted the Doctor to see "the friend in the enemy" or something like that. Maybe she was referring to herself since "she wants her friend back". I still ship Missy and Clara though. (I've talked about that on Tumblr if you don't follow me there.) Anyways. Very cute scene when the Doctor tells Clara how to get out of the Dalek.

- Saving A Friend : In the end of the episode, the Doctor goes to save Davros anyways (that's the cliffhanger where we were left at the end of the last episode actually.), and in the end, the Doctor "saw the friend in the enemy". Then, they walk away until Davros goes back to his home. I guess the only reason he's still alive is to keep the Daleks in the show. Because if everything and anything could happen, I would have killed Davros A LONG TIME AGO. But there wouldn't be fun in that, am I right ?

Overall impression : Really cringed during the part where the Doctor almost killed Clara. I was like, "yeah, this is it. this is going to be the stupid end of Clara. Much angst from the Doctor.". I'm glad she survived though.

Anyways, that's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed this post and I'll see you very soon with another one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

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