I Due Foscari
Hi everybody, Mary here.
So, here is the fifth article in this second special #TheatreWeek with a review from another beautiful opéra made by Verdi himself ; I Due Foscari. Without any further ado, let's get started, shall we ?
I Due Foscari : when justice and love collide in the city of gondolas
The very first point that I would like to raise is about the story itself : the Doge, Francesco Foscari, sees his son Jacopo accused of murder and betrayal of the city of Venice? He's judged by the Council of the Ten and sent to exil, while his wife, Lucrezia, tries to convince the Doge to have a better sentence. But they can't leave with Jacopo, and he has to leave, when a man claims the murder that Jacopo was accused of. But it's too late : Jacopo is dead and the Doge dies (presumably killed), and Loredano, the man who had accused Jacopo of everything, says "Ora, sono pagato !" ("Now, I am paid !"), meaning that he is the successor and new Doge and he's done what he wanted to do.
The second point is about the Doge Foscari : even though he's very old, it's been thirty years since he got the role and is very wise and respected by his pairs. However, there is a conspiracy led by his opponent, Loredano, who wants the power for himself. When he's confronted to his son's jugment, the Doge, by law, can't do many things, so he's forced to see the procedure and just put up his stamp of approval because he can't do otherwise, now that basically everybody is against him for no particular reason. Even Lucrezia's complains don't do anything, and actually, Loredano had accused Jacopo jsut to get rid of him and his father, even when the murder is claimed by an old man who's about to die.
The third and last point that I will talk about is the role of the Doge, when he has to face his son as a convict and as his son at the same time. Nowadays, it would be simply impossible to have this, but in this era, they didn't have any more means. So, when he has to send his own away, and stay in Venice with his wife and kids, it's very heart-breaking. Loredano doesn't even accept Lucrezia's proposal to leave with the children and his husband in exil. In the end, she faints, only to wake up and discover that her husband is dead. Anyway, it's really sad.
Overall impression : A really great opéra, however, I would recommend it only for mature audiences because of strong scenes and things happening.
Okay, that's it for today ! I hope that you liked this post and I will see you very soon with another one, I hope !
And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !
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