jeudi 17 novembre 2016

My Chronic Pain, The Sequel

My Chronic Pain, The Sequel

Hi everybody, Mary here !

So, here's a little update on my chronic pain ! Let's get started !

So, since my latest post about my chronic pain, I have been to the doctor twice ; the first time, she gave me painkillers and muscle relaxants for a week, and zinc for a month, and also told me to do a blood test.

One week after seeing the said doctor, I did my blood tests, which were normal except the sedimentation rate and the C-Reactive Protein, which combined are a sign of infection/inflammation.

The pain I'm feeling right now is rather in the legs (especially the knees and the ankles), shoulders, knees (and I've also had pain flare-ups when doing exams in my knees and fingers) and lower back.
I told the doctor, after showing her the blood test results (when I saw her for the second time), that I still feel pain in most of my body, and that I can't sleep because of it, buy my mom spoke over me and said that it's probably because of my valgus feet and my pes cavus, and the doctor agreed with her and said that my knees would compensate by moving around and be deviated.

Basically I've been given more medication (more zinc, some anxiety meds because I said - and my mom confirmed it/pressured me to talk about it - I have anxiety surrounding sleep/insomnia, and some more meds I don't remember the use for), told to do a knee scan (I have an appointment on the 25th this month) and scoffed off.

Basically, here's what my mom told me after the appointment :
1) "You are too young to have permanent damage !" : like, I am a grown-up ass, my body has finished its growth and I can definitely get irreversible damage !
2) "You just have a bad posture ! Shoe soles will fix everything !" : I am confident that the shoe soles will help me getting straight feet again, but I am worried that it won't solve my chronic pain entirely...
3) "You are just a hypocondriac !" : Maybe it's the case, but it's better to be a hypocondriac and detect problems early rather than ignore the point and just see things get worse ! Whatever...

Anyways. I'll update you after my knee scan !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !

Harry Potter And The Cursed Child : Not So Bad After All ?

Harry Potter And The Cursed Child : Not So Bad After All ?

Hi everybody, Mary here.

So, I have finally read Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, and to be honest, it wasn't was bad as people on social media claimed it to be !

[Warning for spoilers ahead]

Of course, the idea of time traveling and Voldemort's daughter was a bit far-fetched, and many critics were about how Harry was portrayed as a bad father when really, he should have been a good father and see that the stereotypes that existed about he Slytherin house were totally unfounded and that any child can end in any house.

Otherwise, by reading the script, omitting the very dubious parts and how the characters were so stereotypical, the plot itself wasn't bad after all. It was justified, even, and the suspense was held throughout the entire script.

Now, I really wish I had the money to go see it live lmao. But we can dream, right ? We can all dream.

For all of those who wonder what it's all about, basically Albus, Harry's son, is sorted into Slytherin and befriends Scorpius Malfoy. There are rumours he might be the son of Voldemort (poor child didn't deserve this harsh treatment tbh), while Rose Granger-Weasley doesn't like Scorpius at all.
Then he feels like a failure because of the negative stereotypes of the Slytherin house and being the son of the Boy Who Lived (hence Cursed Child). He vents at his dad who vents in return. Harry also sees Amos Diggory who still blames him for Cedric's death (like the kid was 14 give him a break !). Albus then decides with Scorpius to steal the last Time-Turner snatched by the Ministry of Magic, and mess up really badly, visit alternate dimensions, before fixing everything eventually.
But then Amos' niece reveals herself to be Voldemort's daughter and decides to use the two kids for her evil plan, then the adult stop her, the end.

(Tbh there was too much drama around Harry, his guilt and the war, like you could have portrayed his PTSD differently tbh, and there were parts that were definitely ridiculous.)

But was it a good read ? To be honest, I read the whole thing in an hour. But I'm fast, so if you have a couple hours to spare, it's not a bad read tbh.

[End of the spoiler zone.]

Okay, that's it for now, I really hope you liked this post and I will see you soon for a new one !

And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !