Transcend the Binary : My Daily Job
Hi everybody, Mary here.
So, I was chatting with a couple of transgender and non-binary people and one of them decided to bring this video on Jaclyn Glenn's channel (already a not-recommendable YouTuber), who invited Arielle Scarcella to just talk about how "they think there are only two genders and the rest is gender expression only". So, this post will just tell you how much wrong you are. M'kay ?
1) Erasure of intersex people. I've even seen people in the comments saying that it's a "medical condition", when it isn't. Being intersex only prove one thing : that the sex binary doesn't exist in the first place, and that it's the binary imposed by doctors via medical surgeries performed on babies to make them fit in a binary gender at all costs that erases them. Being intersex is natural and exists everywhere in the wild. But I'm not intersex, so I will leave up the conversation to them and they will explain things to you much better than me.
2) Blatant racism. The gender binary, already, is a construct made by White, Euro-centric folks. just look up all the cultures accross the world that acceptes non-binary genders and that, because of White colonialism and supremacy, were erased by European folks and replaced by the binary they had coined themselves. Just imposing the gender binary on everyone, white people or people of colour, is already racist by itself and you're very narrow-minded. Take a lesson or two and we'll talk.
3) Cissexism, truscum, and tokenising your trans friends I guess ? Basically, to prove your "point", you used your own transgender friends as a "gotcha". This is totally unacceptable. And then you wonder why transgender and non-binary folks such as myself want cisgender people to shut the fuck up, especially when they talk over us about transgender and non-binary issues, that they don't experience ? Because I really want you to shut the fuck up right now. Never talk about "gender issues" again, because you have no idea of what's in stake, apparently.
4) Complete disregard towards young people, especially those using the Internet/social media. You might think that this is a "trend picked up by millenial Tumblerinas all under the age of 25 and who don't know better" ? Fuck you. Fuck you clearly and specifically. This blatant entitlement of "I know better than you about transgender and non-binary issues although I'm not either of these categories" is transphobic and enbyphobic, and clearly wrong. Stay in your lane cissies. Besides, the word "genderqueer" has been coined years ago, just like the word queer, to denote those who didn't fit the binaries, whether the "gay/straight" dichotomy or the "cisgender/transgender" one. But then, assimilation happened and the word "non-binary" started replacing the word "genderqueer". Nowadays, you have people identifiying as either or both of them, and it's okay. Just because you didn't know about it... doesn't mean it's not real.
5) How come you don't identify as one [of the binary genders] ? Well, my dear cissies... I just don't. I look at men, regardless of the presentation, it doesn't suit me. I look at women, regardless of the presentation, it doesn't suit me. Yes, I am non-binary. Yes, I am 20 years old and I use Tumblr everyday. Yes, I don't plan on changing my name or getting either HRT or surgeries. Yes I don't experience dysphoria (I only experience social dysphoria, not physical dysphoria). Yes, I smash the binaries, of sexuality and gender, I am beautiful and transcendental, I am me, and no one can change that... but me. And I am not less valid as a non-binary, transgender & bigender person (demiboy & demigirl).
I mean, I don't know Jaclyn (not interested), but coming from someone like you, Arielle... this isn't very surprising. Just look at all the videos about genitals you did recently. Whatever. If this isn't cissexism and transphobia, then I don't know what is.
Anyways. I am not going to spend more energy on such a lost cause as you two, since you will never be educated and will never listen to us. Hasta la vista.
I will see you soon with another post.
And as usual, our last word : KIDNEYS !
p.s. : "cissies" is just a shortened word for "cisgender folks" lmao :)
p.s. : "cissies" is just a shortened word for "cisgender folks" lmao :)